Lessons From the Journey ~ Shaniya Auxier
Oh. My. Gosh. I did not expect to get here. Three weeks ago, I was telling people how April was never supposed to come, ever. April was a huge month for me and the completion of my senior honors thesis.…
Oh. My. Gosh. I did not expect to get here. Three weeks ago, I was telling people how April was never supposed to come, ever. April was a huge month for me and the completion of my senior honors thesis.…
The eco-spirituality retreat at Holy Wisdom Monastery gave me an opportunity to step away from the busyness of life on campus and spend time with members of the Pres House community. The most influential thing that I have taken away…
While at Ft. McCoy, our group wrestled with what it meant for us to be there. Here we found ourselves on this military base amidst flurries of chaos and complexity. We encountered a full spectrum of experiences. I questioned my…
I could call it a dystopia, but it was not fiction So I’ll try to describe it with my best words and diction But how is one to explain the inexplicable? Perhaps with my senses, though I’m not sure they’re…
When we were sent off to the centers we worked in each day, we were given tasks to do and rules to follow. Sometimes we were busy running around our centers and could barely contain the chaos, but at other…
Words in normal font are from scripture (NRSV). Italics are commentary or additions. Are the consolations of God too small for you? (Job 15:11) My face is red with weeping, and deep darkness is on my eyelids, though there is…
I have spent most of my life in the bubble of Madison, which has given me many privileges but also limited the different types of people I have worked with. I grew up with progressive parents – I remember going…
The first thing I noticed was the lack of color. Plain white buildings stretched as far as I could see as our van crawled along at fifteen miles per hour through Fort McCoy. The snow piled along the road contributed…
From my background, I attended church every Sunday. As a kid, I went because my parents brought me, as I imagine maybe was the case for some of you. This changed as I got older and chose to be a…
I’ve been attending Pres House since the fall of 2017 (and now that I’ve said that out loud I instantly feel a whole lot older). I’d like to start off by sharing a few lessons that I’ve learned over the…