When I first came to UW Madison, I thought that I was going to have…
Lenten Practice #5: Lectio Divina in Nature
“Wander slowly in a natural place (your backyard or an urban park will do). Following the ancient practice of Lectio Divina, where a sacred text is read slowly until a word or phrase resonates with you, scan the natural area carefully until an element of nature attracts you. Move closer to that aspect of nature. Study it carefully. Be curious about it. Use all your senses to explore it. What does it sound like? How does it smell? What is its texture? Befriend it.
You might ask this element of nature: what can you teach me? Or, if you are more comfortable, ask God: what are you revealing to me? Is there an insight you might glean from this new friend? Don’t force it or overthink it. Just let it all happen as it will.”
This practice comes from the Center for Spirituality in Nature.