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Music has always been my source of connection with God. I’ve found it has an un-matchable way of transcending our daily lives and thoughts and lifting us up into a state of worship. It uniquely combines the emotional with the physicality of singing or playing an instrument with the theological wisdoms of our faith, all while binding us together as a community. Growing up, I was often involved with church music (yes, at a Presbyterian church!), but I came to fully appreciate its power in my life and the lives of others during college when I began worship leading. I haven’t stopped since! After graduating from Northern Michigan University with dual bachelor’s degrees in music (voice) and psychology, I moved to Evanston, IL, and served at First Presbyterian Church for over 8 years.

In 2014, I moved to Madison and began serving at Christ Presbyterian Church as the Contemporary Worship Director. I appreciate all styles of worship and have focused specifically on contemporary worship, directing handbells, hymns, and worship services in the style of Taize in the past. The music is important to me, but what I truly love is getting others involved in the leading. I grew up in the unbeatable Upper Peninsula of Michigan and I’m thrilled to be back in the area where kayaking, camping, hiking, and all things nature are a lot more accessible!

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