Underneath the Edmund Pettus Bridge,

A letter to the Pres House Community from student leader Andrea
Dear Pres House Family,
I can’t believe summer is already winding down. While summer is fun and (hopefully) relaxing I am super excited about the fall!
There is a lot to look forward to here at Pres House this fall. We will be welcoming hundreds of Freshmen and new students on Tuesday, September 1at Frunch. Our kickoff worship service on Sunday, September 6 at 4:30pm will be awesome. Students at Pres House believe it is important to give back to the community so one of our kickoff events will be to make homework kits for youth on Sunday, September 13. Graduate students are invited to meet for coffee and conversation every Thursday morning at 8:30am (first meeting at Colectivo on State St. on 9/10). And there is much, much more.
The invitation at Pres House is to, “Bring all of who you are.” We want everyone on campus to know that Pres House is an open and inviting community where the full diversity of God’s people are welcome and celebrated. Members of our community are from various backgrounds and perspectives including diverse religious traditions (or none), socio-economic status, racial-ethnic identity, political affiliation, sexual orientation, and more. All are welcome!
So I close with a 3-part invitation to you. First, I invite you to join us at Pres House this fall. Whether you’ve been involved for years or don’t know how you even go
t on this email list you are invited to bring all of who you are to Pres House and find yourself among friends.
Second, I invite you to extend the Pres House welcome to others. Invite your friends and roommates to join you at Pres House. Encourage siblings or other younger, newer students you know coming from your hometown, church or school to check Pres House out. Share events on Facebook or Twitter and make personal invitations. And when you meet someone new over dinner on Sunday night be sure to find out their name and welcome them to Pres House.
Finally, it takes a lot of volunteer help to put on our worship services and other outreach events. Please take a moment to sign up for some volunteer shifts using the links below. Together we will create an incredible community at Pres House.
It is going to be an amazing year!
Andrea Lyke
5th year senior, Biology and Spanish
Moderator, Pres House Student Leadership Council
Join us this Sunday for worship. We are back to our 4:30 pm worship time in the chapel. Come visit with friends you haven’t seen over the summer and begin the new semester with the Pres House community! We will also enjoy our first dinner together of the new year in Lower Hall.
You don’t need to travel all over town to do valuable volunteer and community service. Help make Pres House home by volunteering a little time on Sundays or for some of our kickoff events. Not only will you help get things off to a great start at Pres House this fall but you’ll have a lot of fun doing it!
Set-up or clean-up on Sundays so we can have dinner together each week after worship. Set-up is quick. Clean-up is fun (plus you get to use the brand new dishwasher!). Sign up here.
Help welcome and host 300+ First Year and Transfer students at Frunch onTuesday, Sept 1. Sign up here.
Welcome new students to campus and enjoy people watching on Library Mall by tabling outside Pres House. Sign up here.
Be an ambassador for Pres House at the annual Student Org. Fair. Sign up here.
Sneak around campus at night laying down chalk invitation to our kickoff events. Sign up here.